The Guild
The Julia Greeley Guild is a group of men and women dedicated to extending Julia’s fame for sanctity, proposing her as a model of Christian virtue, encouraging private devotion to her, and helping cover some of the expenses of her Cause for Canonization. To join in this effort and be aware of activities of the Guild, please print a copy of the invitation-application form, fill in the information asked, and mail with the dues to the Guild at Sacred Heart Catholic Church , 2760 Larimer St., Denver CO 80205.
The general activity of the Guild is directed by its board of directors: David Uebbing.chair; Kevin Knight, secretary; Fr. Blaine Burkey, O.F.M.Cap.; Mary Leisring; Frankie Rachel-Bruce; and Fr. Eric Zegeer. Its day-to-day operations are handled by Mary L. Leisring. president, and Frankie Rachel-Bruce, vice president.
The Guild operates as a ministry of Sacred Heart Parish, serving under the direction of Fr. Eric Zegeer, pastor. Its financial affairs are handled through the parish offices under Fr. Zegeer’s direction.
Guild members meet for a planning forum and prayer assembly at 10:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month from September to June, either in person at the church rectory or on Zoom. All Members and Friends of the Guild are welcome to attend. If it is your first meeting, call the Guild to know where the conference will be held or how to reach the Zoom. Monthly email notices are sent to all former attendees.
Julia Greeley Guild
Sacred Heart Church
2760 Larimer St.
Denver CO 80205
Mary l. Leisring, president/director
cell phone 720-773-1133
See Also…